
73 Is A Prime Number

Natural number

← 72 73 74 →

← 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 →

  • Listing of numbers
  • Integers

← 0 x 20 30 forty 50 sixty 70 80 xc →

Primal lxx-three
Ordinal 73rd
Factorization prime
Prime number 21st
Divisors 1, 73
Greek numeral ΟΓ´
Roman numeral LXXIII
Binary 10010012
Ternary 22013
Senary 201half-dozen
Octal 1118
Duodecimal 6112
Hexadecimal 49sixteen

73 (seventy-three) is the natural number following 72 and preceding 74. In English, it is the smallest natural number with twelve letters in its spelled out name.

In mathematics [edit]

73 is the 21st prime number number, and emirp with 37, the 12th prime number.[1] It is as well the eighth twin prime, with 71. It is the largest minimal primitive root in the offset 100,000 primes; in other words, if p is one of the first ane hundred one thousand primes, and then at least one of the numbers two, three, 4, 5, 6, ..., 73 is a primitive root modulo p. 73 is also the smallest factor of the first composite generalized Fermat number in decimal: 10 4 + 1 = 10,001 = 73 × 137, and the smallest prime congruent to 1 modulo 24, as well as the only prime repunit in base eight (1118). Information technology is the quaternary star number.[2]

73 every bit a star number (upwards to blueish dots). 37, its dual permutable prime, is the preceding consecutive star number (upwardly to green dots) inside the sequence of star numbers.[2]

Notably, 73 is the sole Sheldon prime to contain both mirror and product backdrop:[3]

  • 73, as an emirp, has 37 every bit its dual permutable prime, a mirroring of its base ten digits, 7 and iii. 73 is the 21st prime number, while 37 is the 12th, which is a 2d mirroring; and
  • 73 has a prime index of 21 = vii x three; a product belongings where the product of its base-10 digits is precisely its alphabetize in the sequence of prime numbers.

Arithmetically, from sums of 73 and 37 with their prime indexes, one obtains:

73 + 21 = 94 (or, 47 × two),
37 + 12 = 49 (or, 47 + two = sevenii);
94 - 49 = 45 (or, 47 − ii).

Other backdrop ligating 73 with 37 include:

  • 73 and 37 are lucky primes and sexy primes, both twice over.[4] [five] [vi]
  • 73 and 37 are sequent star numbers, respectively the 4th and the 3rd.[2]
  • 73 and 37 are consecutive values of thou ( yard ) {\displaystyle g(chiliad)} such that every positive integer tin can exist written equally the sum of 73 or fewer 6th powers, or 37 or fewer fifth powers (meet Waring's problem).[7]
  • 73 and 37 are sequent primes in the 7-integer covering set up of the first known Sierpinski number 78,557, of the form grand {\displaystyle k} x 2 one thousand {\displaystyle ii^{m}} + i {\displaystyle 1} composite for all natural numbers m {\displaystyle k} , with 73 as its largest group member: {3, five, 7, 13, 19, 37, 73}.
Consider the following sequence A ( n ) {\displaystyle A(n)} :[eight]
Let k {\displaystyle k} be a Sierpiński number or Riesel number divisible by 2 n {\displaystyle 2n} 1 {\displaystyle 1} , and permit p {\displaystyle p} exist the largest number in a set of primes which cover every number of the form k 2 chiliad {\displaystyle chiliad*2^{one thousand}} + 1 {\displaystyle one} or of the form 1000 2 k {\displaystyle thousand*ii^{m}} i {\displaystyle 1} , with chiliad {\displaystyle m} ≥ 1;
A ( due north ) {\displaystyle A(north)} equals p {\displaystyle p} iff there exists no number k {\displaystyle thousand} that has a covering ready with largest prime greater than p {\displaystyle p} .
Known such index values n {\displaystyle n} where p {\displaystyle p} is equal to 73 as the largest member of such covering sets are: {1, six, 9, 12, 15, xvi, 21, 22, 24, and 27}, with 37 present alongside 73. In particular, A ( n ) {\displaystyle A(n)} ≥ 73 for any n {\displaystyle n} .
  • 73 and 37 take a range of 37 numbers, inclusive of both 37 and 73; their deviation, on the other manus, is 36, or thrice 12.
777 {\displaystyle 777} = 3 {\displaystyle 3} x 37 {\displaystyle 37} x seven {\displaystyle vii} = 21 {\displaystyle 21} x 37 {\displaystyle 37} , where 37 is a concatenation of iii and 7.
703 {\displaystyle 703} is equal to the sum of the first 37 non-zero integers, equivalently the 37th triangular number.[9] Its harmonic hateful is 3.7 {\displaystyle 3.7} .
373 {\displaystyle 373} has a prime alphabetize of 74, or twice 37.[10] Like 73 and 37, 373 is a permutable prime alongside 337 {\displaystyle 337} and 733 {\displaystyle 733} , the second of three trios of iii-digit permutable primes in decimal.[11] 337 {\displaystyle 337} is also the eighth star number.[2]
337 {\displaystyle 337} + 373 {\displaystyle 373} + 733 {\displaystyle 733} = 1443 {\displaystyle 1443} , the number of edges in the bring together of two wheel graphs of social club 37.[12]
343 {\displaystyle 343} = 7 {\displaystyle seven} x vii {\displaystyle 7} x vii {\displaystyle 7} = seven {\displaystyle 7} 3 , the cube of seven or equivalently 7 cubed, wherein replacing 2 neighboring digits with their digit sums 3 {\displaystyle 3} + iv {\displaystyle 4} and four {\displaystyle iv} + 3 {\displaystyle three} yields 3 vii {\displaystyle 3{\mathbf {seven}}} : 7 3 {\displaystyle {\mathbf {7}}3} .
Also, the product of neighboring digits 3 {\displaystyle 3} 10 4 {\displaystyle iv} is 12 {\displaystyle 12} , like 4 {\displaystyle 4} x iii {\displaystyle 3} , while the sum of its prime factors 7 {\displaystyle vii} + 7 {\displaystyle 7} + seven {\displaystyle 7} is 21 {\displaystyle 21} .
307 {\displaystyle 307} has a prime index of 63, equal to thrice 21. 3 {\displaystyle 3} x three {\displaystyle 3} x vii {\displaystyle vii} , equivalently three {\displaystyle iii} 10 7 {\displaystyle 7} x 3 {\displaystyle iii} and seven {\displaystyle 7} x 3 {\displaystyle three} x iii {\displaystyle iii} , are all permutations of the prime factorization of 21 {\displaystyle 21} .
  • In moonshine theory of sporadic groups, 73 is the first non-supersingular prime number greater than 71. All primes greater than or equal to 73 are non-supersingular, while 37, on the other hand, is the smallest prime that is not supersingular.[13]

In binary, 73 is 1001001, while 21 in binary is 10101, and 7 in binary is 111; all which are palindromic. Of the 7 binary digits representing 73, there are three ones. In addition to having prime factors vii and 3, the number 21 represents the ternary (base-three) equivalent of the decimal numeral 7, that is to say: 213 = viiten.

73 is the largest member of the 17 {\displaystyle 17} -integer matrix definite quadratic that represents all prime numbers: {ii, 3, v, seven, xi, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 67, 73 {\displaystyle {\mathbf {73}}} }.[14]

In science [edit]

  • The atomic number of tantalum

In astronomy [edit]

  • Messier object M73, a magnitude 9.0 apparent open cluster in the constellation Aquarius.
  • The New General Catalogue object NGC 73, a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Cetus.
  • The number of seconds it took for the Infinite Shuttle Challenger OV-099 shuttle to explode afterward launch.
  • 73 is the number of rows in the 1,679-flake Arecibo bulletin, sent to infinite in search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

In chronology [edit]

  • The yr Advert 73, 73 BC, or 1973.
  • The number of days in ane/v of a not-leap year.
  • The 73rd day of a non-bound year is March fourteen, also known as Pi Twenty-four hour period.

In other fields [edit]

73 is also:

  • The number of books in the Catholic Bible.[15]
  • Amateur radio operators and other morse lawmaking users normally use the number 73 as a "92 Code" abbreviation for "best regards", typically when ending a QSO (a conversation with another operator). These codes likewise facilitate advice betwixt operators who may not be native English language speakers. [1] In Morse code, 73 is an easily recognized palindrome: ( - - · · · · · · - - ).
  • 73 (as well known as 73 Amateur Radio Today) was an apprentice radio magazine published from 1960 to 2003.
  • 73 was the number on the Torpedo Patrol (PT) boat in the Idiot box testify McHale'southward Navy.
  • The registry of the U.S. Navy's nuclear shipping carrier USSGeorge Washington(CVN-73), named later on U.S. President George Washington.
  • No. 73 was the name of a 1980s children's television programme in the United Kingdom. Information technology ran from 1982 to 1988 and starred Sandi Toksvig.
  • Pizza 73 is a Canadian pizza concatenation.
  • Game show Friction match Game '73 in 1973.
  • Fender Rhodes Stage 73 Piano.
  • Sonnet 73 by William Shakespeare.
  • The number of the French department Savoie.
  • On a CB radio, 10-73 means "speed trap at..."

In sports [edit]

  • In international curling competitions, each side is given 73 minutes to complete all of its throws.
  • In baseball, the unmarried-season dwelling house run tape ready past Barry Bonds in 2001.
  • In basketball game, the number of games the Golden State Warriors won in the 2015–xvi season (73-nine), the almost wins in NBA history.
  • NFL: In the 1940 NFL championship game, the Bears beat the Redskins 73–0, the largest score always in an NFL game. (The Redskins won their previous regular season game, vii–3).

See also [edit]

  • List of highways numbered 73

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Sloane'due south A006567 : Emirps". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-29 .
  2. ^ a b c d "Sloane's A003154 : Centered 12-gonal numbers. Also star numbers: 6*n*(n-1) + 1". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-29 .
  3. ^ Pomerance, Carl; Spicer, Chris (Feb 2019). "Proof of the Sheldon theorize" (PDF). American Mathematical Monthly. 126 (eight): 688–698. doi:ten.1080/00029890.2019.1626672.
  4. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A031157 (Numbers that are both lucky and prime.)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-x-fourteen .
  5. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A023201 (Primes p such that p + 6 is also prime. (Bottom of a pair of sexy primes.))". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-10-xiv .
  6. ^ Sloane, North. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A046117 (Primes p such that p-6 is also prime. (Upper of a pair of sexy primes.))". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-10-14 .
  7. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A002804 ((Presumed) solution to Waring'due south problem)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.
  8. ^ Sloane, North. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A305473 (Let k be a Sierpiński or Riesel number divisible past ii*n - 1...)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-ten-thirteen .
  9. ^ Sloane, Due north. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A000217 (Triangular numbers.)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-ten-13 .
  10. ^ Sloane, North. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A000040 (The prime number numbers.)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-10-thirteen .
  11. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A003459 (Absolute primes (or permutable primes): every permutation of the digits is a prime number.)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-ten-xiii .
  12. ^ "Sloane's A005563 : a(n) = n*(n+2) = (north+i)^2 - one". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-x-15 . Number of edges in the bring together of ii cycle graphs, both of order northward, C_n * C_n.
  13. ^ Sloane, North. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A002267 (The 15 supersingular primes)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-10-xiii .
  14. ^ Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A154363 (Numbers from Bhargava'due south prime-universality benchmark theorem)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation.
  15. ^ "Catholic Bible 101". Catholic Bible 101 . Retrieved 16 September 2018.

73 Is A Prime Number,


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